Request Shop is Now UP!
My other site which is the Request Shop, is now up!
I named it Heaven Clouds. You can request for banners. Buttons are not available yet, but will be in the future.
Whew! I thought I was gonna be able to finish it in 3 hours or less but I was mistaken. Instead, I had it under construction for exactly twelve (12) hours! xD So lame of me. Haha
I worked hard on it. I had the longest time in uploading the blinkies cos there were so many of them. Creating my own link buttons is a little time consuming but it's worth a try. Right?
By the way, enough chit-chat! Just click the banner ABOVE and you will be directed there. Enjoy the CUTENESS! :DLabels: banners, blinkies, cute, cuteness, kawaii, requests, site of the month, up