Reminiscing My Childhood "Anime Memories"
I'm losing interest in blogging but I will keep this blog alive for as long as I can. Maybe you've noticed that I only blog again a few days after the previous one and I'm not that active in everyone's tagboards anymore. That's why. This feeling started since I learned that PS1 Games can be put into your PSP too. So... here I am again! Blogging! :)
Last night I visited a lot of Anime Fanlisting websites. I joined them 'cos I love the anime and the sites were such an eye-candy! I could not resist their kawaii designs. Silly eh? You can check the Fanlistings that I joined in the Bottom-Right side of this blog. Here is how it looks like:
Cute eh? The Fanlistings I joined are mostly Tales of the Abyss (I'm a big fan!), Tales of Destiny, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Symphonia, Galaxy Angels, Vandread, Wedding Peach, Anise Tatlin, Jade Curtiss, Tear Grants, Luke Fon Fabre, Guy Cecil, Natalia LZ Lanvaldear, Asch, Mint Blancmanche, Milefeuille Sakuraba, Vanilla, Ranpha, Dita Liebelly, Chelsea Tone, Rutee Katrea, Marone Blucarno, Fon Master Ion, Stahn Aileron, and some pair-ups.The "Fanlistings Joined" section is currently my favorite section here in my blog.Last night, I really felt anime-ish that I searched and watched the animes that I used to watch in AXN long ago! I can still remember, AXN used to be infested with many great animes. Haiiz.. but that was such a long time ago already.. a REALLLLYYY LONG TIME AGO. I remember watching animes like Curious Play (Fushigi Yuugi), Galaxy Angels, Gatekeepers, Ayashi no Ceres, Boys Be, Strange Dawn, Ah! My Goddess, Grander Musashi, Cooking Master Boy, and the others .. I last watched those animes on year 2000.. And it's almost year 2009 now! Which means that I last watched those animes 9 years ago... 9 years! Can you imagine that? I was in elementary back then. 2nd grade and now I'm 4th year high school... I miss my Childhood Days so much! T_THere are pictures of the titles in bold. Just like this!Galaxy Angels
Grander Musashi
Cooking Master Boy
Curious Play
Gatekeepers I just realized that : being young is a good thing... *sigh*(Titles in Bold are my most favorite animes...)I can't help but wonder why AXN suddenly didn't show animes anymore? I would like to know the reason but I don't know how... AXN Channel used to rock.. :(If someone knows the sudden change of AXN, please tell me about it in my Tagborad. I would appreciate it a lot :)So there, after I reminisced my childhood memories, I watched Gatekeepers anime. I finished episodes 1 and 2 last night and now I'm watching episode 3.
Ciao! ^^
UPDATE 12-12-08: Unfortnately, I didn't get a chance to back up the code for my fanlistings section when I changed layout.. so that section's gone.
Labels: anime, axn, channel, childhood, fanlistings, memories